Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday 9

1. Have you ever tried to rekindle a past relationship against the odds?


2. Do you like your job, or daily routine?

I do, I'm lucky.

3. Do you find time to 'smell the flowers' so to speak?

Hmm. Not really, I'm a bit neurotic. LOL

4. Do you have any problems thinking of things to write about in my blog?

No, I only write if I have things to say, otherwise I wait until I do.

5. Do others consider you well organized?


6. Do you always have a “Plan B” just in case?

Yes, always. I like to have my bases covered.

7. How do you find yourself adjusting to new situations?

I won't lie, I have a bit of trouble sometimes. I like to have things planned out, and with new situations I can't really have that.

8. Are you happy with where you are in this point of your life?

Um, sometimes. Other times I hit my head against the wall and wail.

9. Do you find the aging process we all go through easy or difficult?

Well, I'm 25, so I'm not really sure yet.

1 comment:

  1. you are so young, anyway thanks for the visit in my entry I am following you too
