Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Strawberry Pie

For recipe, please see here.


  1. Strawberry pie? Do you have some to spare? Mmmmm!


    Come in, my dear friends, and be seated, please—
    Oh, all of you reds are such a big tease!
    Scarlet, you creep over cheeks in a blush;
    Crimson, you’re always in such a big rush!
    Cherry, you’re tasty and pleasant to see;
    Carmine, you utterly satisfy me!
    So come in, my friends, and be seated, please—
    Of all the colors, I’d rather have these!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Little Red Shopping Bag

  2. It looks so yummy!! [and may I add that I really like your blog decor here!!]

    WATER GARDEN - Fountains Do stop by for a visit if you can find time. Hope your day has been treating you well!!!
